Composer Don Freund in residence this weekend at Mizzou
This weekend, the Mizzou New Music Initiative will welcome composer Don Freund to campus for a four-day residency. A professor of composition at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music since 1992, Freund (pictured) is an internationally recognized composer whose works range from solo, chamber, and orchestral music to pieces involving live performances with electronic…

Third Coast Percussion residency: A look back

From the Grammy Awards to Mizzou with Third Coast Percussion
When Third Coast Percussion visits the University of Missouri next week, not only will they be coming directly from the Grammy Awards, they'll actually be bringing a bit of Mizzou along with them. The Chicago-based group is nominated for a Grammy this year in the category of "Best Chamber Music/ Small Ensemble Performance" for their…

Mizzou New Music Ensemble to present works by Freund, Haas, Visconti, McKenney, and Heruth on Monday, February 27 at Whitmore Recital Hall
The Mizzou New Music Ensemble’s first performance of 2017 will include music from a visiting guest composer, new works written by a longtime faculty member and a Mizzou student, and a sneak preview of this summer’s Mizzou International Composers Festival. The concert is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Monday, February 27 at Whitmore Recital Hall on…

Composer Louis Goldford visiting Mizzou campus in February
Louis Goldford will be the first visiting composer on the Mizzou campus in 2017, coming to Columbia next month for a weekend residency that will include a presentation of works, a coaching session with the Mizzou New Music Ensemble, and a concert. Two of his compositions - "Travertine Hybrid #3," for violin and electronics, and…

Mizzou International Composers Festival announces resident composers for 2017
The Mizzou New Music Initiative (MNMI) has selected eight resident composers to participate in the 2017 Mizzou International Composers Festival (MICF). Presented by MNMI and the University of Missouri School of Music from Monday, July 24 through Saturday, July 29 in Columbia, the eighth annual MICF will feature world premieres of new works written by…

Dustin Dunn advances in MTNA national composition competition
Mizzou student Dustin Dunn has won the West Central Division in the “Young Artist” category of the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) composition competition. Dunn (pictured), a junior working on a bachelor’s degree in music composition, was recognized for “Of Stained Glass and Hymnody,” which was premiered in March 2016 by the Mizzou New Music…

2017 Mizzou International Composers Festival gets record number of resident composer submissions
A total of 261 composers from around the world applied for the eight resident composer spots at the 2017 Mizzou International Composers Festival, a new record for the MICF. Submissions were received from 25 different countries - also a new record - including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong,…