Morima Yerby wins 2023 Sinquefield Composition Prize
The University of Missouri School of Music and the Mizzou New Music Initiative have awarded the 2023 Sinquefield Composition Prize to Morima Yerby. Now in its 18th year, the Sinquefield Composition Prize is the top award for a composition student at Mizzou. As this year’s winner, Morima Yerby will be awarded a $2,500 prize and will…

MICF in the media
If you've missed any of the media coverage of the 2018 Mizzou International Composers Festival, you can catch up by following the links below: * The Columbia Daily Tribune's coverage included interviews with resident composers Viet Cuong, Douglas Osmun and Gemma Peacocke, plus a guide to the entire festival. * The Columbia Missourian published a…

Mizzou composer Douglas Osmun featured in Columbia Missourian
Mizzou composer Douglas Osmun, a first-year graduate student in composition and the winner of the 2017 Sinquefield Composition Prize, was the subject of a feature story this week in the Columbia Missourian. Osmun (pictured) talked with reporter Ann Marion about his composition process and about “First Fig,” the work he submitted in this year's Sinquefield…