Mizzou International Composers Festival, Page 27

Mizzou International Composers Festival to be featured
on “Relevant Tones” radio program December 6 and December 13

The 2014 Mizzou International Composers Festival will be the subject of two upcoming episodes of the syndicated radio program "Relevant Tones," which originates from WFMT (98.7 FM) in Chicago. The two episodes will feature the world broadcast premiere of music from the 2014 MICF, plus interviews with many of the participating composers. Part one will…

MNMI alumni in the news

Several Mizzou composition alumni have been in the news this fall: * Grant Fonda, who earned his master's degree at Mizzou in 2012, was featured as a "composer to watch" as part of ASCAP's "Composer Spotlight." Fonda (pictured) was selected earlier this year to take part in the the organization's Film Scoring Workshop in Los…

2015 Mizzou International Composers Festival set for July 20 – 25;
Hans Abrahamsen, Andrew Norman named as guest composers

The 2015 Mizzou International Composers Festival (MICF) will be held Monday, July 20 through Saturday, July 25 on the campus of the University of Missouri in Columbia, and will feature Hans Abrahamsen and Andrew Norman as guest composers. The 2015 MICF will include a series of public concerts presenting music from contemporary composers, as well…

A look back at the 2014 Mizzou International Composers Festival

Here's a comprehensive look back at this year's Mizzou International Composers Festival via news coverage and social media: [View the story "Mizzou International Composers Festival 2014" on Storify]

Even more media coverage of the 2014 MICF

With the 2014 Mizzou International Composers Festival now over, there still are a few items of media coverage of the festival to share. In addition to their preview story on the 2014 Mizzou International Composers Festival (linked here), Vox magazine sent writer Caleb O'Brien to the festival's grand finale on Saturday night, and his recap…

More media mention MICF

Media attention for the 2014 Mizzou International Composers Festival continued into the week of the fest, with St. Louis magazine publishing a preview story, including quotes from guest composers Zhou Long and Nico Muhly, online on Wednesday. Then on Thursday, the Columbia Missourian ran their story about the festival, while a separate feature in the…

Composers Festival Spotlight: Zhou Long

It's an honor to have Zhou Long as one of the two guest composers at this year's Mizzou International Composers Festival. Currently the Distinguished Professor of Music at the University of Missouri-Kansas City Conservatory of Music and Dance, Zhou won the Pulitzer Prize in music in 2011 for his…

Columbia media previews 2014 MICF

With the 2014 Mizzou International Composers Festival starting today, the Columbia Daily Tribune had two stories in Sunday's paper, plus another online, which together offer a thorough preview of the week's events. The Tribune's Aarik Danielsen interviewed managing director Billy Lackey and resident composer José Martínez for an overview of the festival, and also wrote…