Composers Festival spotlight: Theo Chandler
Resident composer Theo Chandler comes to the 2019 Mizzou International Composers Festival by way of Houston, TX, where he currently is working on a doctorate of musical arts at the Rice University Shepherd School of Music. He's already had a busy summer, having served as composer in residence for the Maryland Wind Festival, held in…

If you’re coming to Columbia…
There's never been a better time to visit Columbia for the Mizzou International Composers Festival, because to celebrate its tenth year in 2019, the MICF has added more concerts and has made ALL festival events, including Saturday's grand finale featuring eight world premieres performed by Alarm Will Sound, FREE. You can see a complete schedule…

2019 Mizzou International Composers Festival adding
more concerts, offering free admission to all events
For its tenth year, the Mizzou International Composers Festival (MICF) in 2019 is adding five more concerts and an audio installation, and is making all MICF events free and open to the public. Presented by the Mizzou New Music Initiative and the University of Missouri School of Music from…

Mizzou International Composers Festival announces resident composers for 2019
The Mizzou New Music Initiative (MNMI) has selected eight resident composers to participate in the 2019 Mizzou International Composers Festival (MICF). Presented by MNMI and the University of Missouri School of Music from Monday, July 22 through Saturday, July 27 in Columbia, the tenth annual MICF will feature world premieres of new works written by…

Tenth annual Mizzou International Composers Festival set for July 22-27, 2019; applications for resident composers now open
The Mizzou New Music Initiative is accepting applications for resident composers to take part in the tenth annual Mizzou International Composers Festival (MICF), which will be held Monday, July 22 through Saturday, July 27, 2019 on the campus of the University of Missouri in Columbia. In celebration of the festival's tenth year, Donnacha Dennehy and…

MICF alumni win commissions from Barlow Endowment, Chamber Music America
As this year's Mizzou International Composers Festival was ending, news broke that several MICF alumni have won commissions in annual competitions sponsored by the Barlow Endowment and by Chamber Music America. This year's winners of general commissions from the Barlow Endowment include past…

A look back at the 2018 Mizzou International Composers Festival

MICF in the media
If you've missed any of the media coverage of the 2018 Mizzou International Composers Festival, you can catch up by following the links below: * The Columbia Daily Tribune's coverage included interviews with resident composers Viet Cuong, Douglas Osmun and Gemma Peacocke, plus a guide to the entire festival. * The Columbia Missourian published a…