St. Louis Symphony plays work by 2012 MICF resident composer Patrick Harlin
This past weekend, the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra performed Patrick Harlin's work "Rapture" as a part of their concerts on Friday, September 27 and Saturday, September 28 at Powell Symphony Hall in St.…

Mizzou New Music Initiative in the news
In addition to the outstanding feature article about the Mizzou New Music Initiative in the May issue of St. Louis magazine linked here a few days ago, the MNMI and affiliated composers and musicians also have been the subjects of various other recent items in the media. * Composer, clarinetist and Mizzou alumna Stephanie Berg…

St. Louis Symphony Orchestra’s 2013-14 season
to include works from Mizzou New Music Initiative composers
The St. Louis Symphony Orchestra announced Thursday that it will perform new works by two young composers associated with the Mizzou New Music Initiative (MNMI) as part of its 2013-14 season. The announcement came during a “town…

“Conversations with Composers” podcast – Episode 101
The Mizzou New Music Initiative's “Conversations With Composers” podcasts offer an inside perspective from the composers who took part in the 2012 Mizzou New Music Summer Festival, featuring candid discussions of their work, backgrounds, influences and processes; their experiences during the Festival; and much more. Episode 101 features guest composer Steven Stucky talking with resident…

Summer Festival Spotlight: Patrick Harlin
Resident composer Patrick Harlin comes to the 2012 Mizzou New Music Summer Festival from Ann Arbor, where he currently is working toward a doctoral degree in music composition from the University of Michigan. Born in Salt Lake City and raised in Seattle, Harlin (pictured) has been composing and playing piano since age 8. He earned…

Mizzou New Music Summer Festival’s resident composers will bring diversity to 2012 event
From a London-based composer pursuing a doctorate at the Royal Academy of Music, to a Greek studying music in upstate New York, to a Kansas City native working towards her Master’s degree at Mizzou, the resident composers selected for this year’s Mizzou New Music Summer Festival are perhaps the most diverse group yet in the…