
Mizzou International Composers Festival announces resident composers for 2020

The Mizzou New Music Initiative (MNMI) has selected eight resident composers to participate in the 2020 Mizzou International Composers Festival (MICF). Presented by MNMI and the University of Missouri School of Music from Monday, July 27 through Saturday, August 1 in Columbia, the eleventh annual MICF ( will feature world premieres of new works written…

Mizzou New Music Ensemble to debut “Influences Symphony” with performances in St. Louis and Columbia

The Mizzou New Music Ensemble will explore the influence of various styles of music created in Missouri with performances in Columbia and St. Louis of “Influences Symphony,” a new collaborative, multi-part work by four Mizzou student composers. “Influences Symphony” will be premiered in a concert at 7:00 p.m. Friday, May 3 at the World Chess…

Mizzou seeks high school students for Missouri Summer Composition Institute

The Mizzou New Music Initiative is looking for Missouri high school students interested in music composition to attend the 2019 Missouri Summer Composition Institute, which will be held from Sunday, June 16 through Saturday, June 22 on the University of Missouri campus in Columbia. Known informally as “COMP Camp,” after MNMI’s annual Creating Original Music…

Missouri Composers Project selects four works for concert by Columbia Civic Orchestra, Columbia Chamber Choir on Sunday, March 10 at First Baptist Church

The Mizzou New Music Initiative (MNMI) has announced the selection of four winners in the 2019 Missouri Composers Project (MOCOP) competition. Now in its eighth year, MOCOP is a collaborative effort involving MNMI, the Columbia Civic Orchestra (CCO),…

Mizzou composers’ collaboration with St. Louis Symphony featured on HEC-TV’s “State of the Arts”

The St. Louis Symphony Orchestra's reading of new works by Mizzou composers is the subject of a feature story on the latest episode of HEC-TV's program "State of the Arts." The feature by reporter Paul Schankman includes an exclusive look at the private reading session held on Wednesday, October 31 at Powell Hall in St.…

Tenth annual Mizzou International Composers Festival set for July 22-27, 2019; applications for resident composers now open

The Mizzou New Music Initiative is accepting applications for resident composers to take part in the tenth annual Mizzou International Composers Festival (MICF), which will be held Monday, July 22 through Saturday, July 27, 2019 on the campus of the University of Missouri in Columbia. In celebration of the festival's tenth year, Donnacha Dennehy and…

MICF alumni win commissions from Barlow Endowment, Chamber Music America

As this year's Mizzou International Composers Festival was ending, news broke that several MICF alumni have won commissions in annual competitions sponsored by the Barlow Endowment and by Chamber Music America. This year's winners of general commissions from the Barlow Endowment include past…