Mizzou New Music Ensemble to perform collaborative concert
with Rich Pellegrin Quintet on Friday, October 24 at Whitmore Recital Hall
The Mizzou New Music Ensemble will perform their first concert of the 2014-15 academic year at 7:30 p.m., Friday, October 24 in Whitmore Recital Hall, 135 Fine Arts Building on the University of Missouri campus. Admission is free for Mizzou students, $5 suggested donation for the general public. Presented in…

MNMI helps create audio tours for community arts project in Lexington, MO
The Lexington Community Arts Pilot Project and the University of Missouri Extension Division will present the premiere of "Legends of Lexington," four audio tours of the historic districts of Lexington, MO featuring music, sound and production by composers from the Mizzou New Music Initiative, at a reception this Friday, September 26 at Wentworth Military Academy…

A look back at the 2014 Mizzou International Composers Festival
Here's a comprehensive look back at this year's Mizzou International Composers Festival via news coverage and social media: [View the story "Mizzou International Composers Festival 2014" on Storify]

Even more media coverage of the 2014 MICF
With the 2014 Mizzou International Composers Festival now over, there still are a few items of media coverage of the festival to share. In addition to their preview story on the 2014 Mizzou International Composers Festival (linked here), Vox magazine sent writer Caleb O'Brien to the festival's grand finale on Saturday night, and his recap…

More media mention MICF
Media attention for the 2014 Mizzou International Composers Festival continued into the week of the fest, with St. Louis magazine publishing a preview story, including quotes from guest composers Zhou Long and Nico Muhly, online on Wednesday. Then on Thursday, the Columbia Missourian ran their story about the festival, while a separate feature in the…

Composers Festival Spotlight: Zhou Long
It's an honor to have Zhou Long as one of the two guest composers at this year's Mizzou International Composers Festival. Currently the Distinguished Professor of Music at the University of Missouri-Kansas City Conservatory of Music and Dance, Zhou won the Pulitzer Prize in music in 2011 for his…

Composers Festival Spotlight: Nico Muhly
It's a great pleasure to have Nico Muhly as one of the two guest composers for the 2014 Mizzou International Composers Festival. One of the most talked-about individuals on the contemporary music scene, often provocative and occasionally controversial, Muhly will work with the MICF's eight resident composers both as…

Composers Festival Spotlight: Christopher Weiss
2014 MICF resident composer Christopher Weiss may have been born in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and grown up in the northeast, but as it turns out, his musical beginnings have a connection to the Show-Me State. His paternal grandfather, a fisheries biologist here in Missouri, was an amateur violin-maker who…