Giovanni Porfirio wins 2025 Sinquefield Composition Prize: New composition to be premiered at Chancellor’s Arts Showcase
The University of Missouri School of Music and the Mizzou New Music Initiative haveawarded the 2025 Sinquefield Composition Prize to student composer GiovanniPorfirio. The prize is the top award for a composition student at Mizzou. Porfirio is a composer from Sao Paulo, Brazil, and earned a bachelor’s degree from SaoPaulo State University. He is currently pursuing a master’s degree…

Mizzou’s fine arts departments to celebrate Shakespeare at Chancellor’s Arts Showcase Monday, April 11 at Missouri Theatre
The fine arts departments at the University of Missouri will join together to celebrate the works of William Shakespeare at the annual Chancellor's Arts Showcase, starting at 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 11 at the Missouri Theatre, 203 S. Ninth St. in Columbia. The event will feature the world premiere of "Sonnet 73: De Profundis," a…