St. Louis Symphony musicians to read works by Mizzou composers
Three student composers from the University of Missouri School of Music will get a chance this academic year to have their orchestral works read, critiqued, and then played again by musicians from the St. Louis Symphony. Under the auspices of the Mizzou New Music Initiative, student composers Dustin Dunn, Aaron Mencher, and Douglas Osmun (pictured)…

Missouri Summer Composition Institute featured in Columbia Missourian
MNMI's Summer Composition Institute, held last month on the Mizzou campus, was the subject of a feature story in the Columbia Missourian. The Summer Composition Institute, often referred to as "COMP Camp" or "Summer COMP," brings together a select group of high school composers from around the state for a week of intensive instruction, culminating…

Aaron Mencher wins third place in American Prize composition competition
Mizzou student composer Aaron Mencher's piece "New" last month was awarded third place in the 2016 American Prize in Composition - Band/Wind Ensemble, Student Division competition. Mencher (pictured) is a sophomore composition major and Sinquefield Scholar from John’s Creek, GA, a suburb of Atlanta. "New" previously was a winner in the 2015 NAfME Student Composers…

Dustin Dunn wins second place in MTNA’s national composition competition
Mizzou student Dustin Dunn has placed second in the "Young Artist" category of this year's Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) national composition competition. Dunn (pictured), a junior working on a bachelor’s degree in music composition, was recognized for “Of Stained Glass and Hymnody,” which was premiered in March 2016 by the Mizzou New Music Ensemble.…

Dustin Dunn advances in MTNA national composition competition
Mizzou student Dustin Dunn has won the West Central Division in the “Young Artist” category of the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) composition competition. Dunn (pictured), a junior working on a bachelor’s degree in music composition, was recognized for “Of Stained Glass and Hymnody,” which was premiered in March 2016 by the Mizzou New Music…

Mizzou composer Douglas Osmun featured in Columbia Missourian
Mizzou composer Douglas Osmun, a first-year graduate student in composition and the winner of the 2017 Sinquefield Composition Prize, was the subject of a feature story this week in the Columbia Missourian. Osmun (pictured) talked with reporter Ann Marion about his composition process and about “First Fig,” the work he submitted in this year's Sinquefield…

Mizzou composer’s work to be performed at SCI conference
The Society of Composers, Inc (SCI) has selected a work by Mizzou's Douglas Osmun for performance at their annual national conference next year. Osmun's "First Fig," a work for voice, cello, and piano that incorporates text by Edna St. Vincent Millay, will be performed on Friday, March 31 at the SCI event, which will take…

Dustin Dunn wins MTNA’s 2016 statewide composition competition
University of Missouri composition student Dustin Dunn has won this year’s award in the “Young Artist” category of the Missouri state division of the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) composition competition. Dunn, a junior working on a bachelor’s degree in music composition at Mizzou, was recognized for “Of Stained Glass and Hymnody,” which was premiered…