With the 2014 Mizzou International Composers Festival now over, there still are a few items of media coverage of the festival to share.
In addition to their preview story on the 2014 Mizzou International Composers Festival (linked here), Vox magazine sent writer Caleb O’Brien to the festival’s grand finale on Saturday night, and his recap of the evening can be read online here.
If you’d like to get a pictorial look behind the scenes of the 2014 MICF, resident ensemble Alarm Will Sound has posted on their Facebook page two albums of photos from the week. (The photo of resident composer José MartÃnez and AWS music director and conductor Alan Pierson accompanying this post is from the first set.)
Meanwhile, Seth Boustead and Jesse McQuarters, respectively the host and producer of the radio program Relevant Tones, were in Columbia for several days during the festival, recording material for an episode about the MICF that will air sometime this fall. The program is broadcast weekly at 5:00 p.m. Saturdays on WFMT (98.7 FM) in Chicago, and also can be heard online and on other subscribing stations around the country.
In addition to gathering material for later, the Relevant Tones crew also put together five short “Mizzou Minute” podcasts covering different aspects of the MICF. You can hear all five of them via the embedded SoundCloud players below.